Module 8: Integrating & Optimizing the NP Role in LTC Practice
196 8.1.1 Facilitating Successful NP Integration in LTC Practice
Where do you fit? Review the pyramid[1] to determine where you feel you currently are.
Psychological health and safety definitions:
- Psychological health is a form of well-being that allows individuals to think, feel, and behave in a manner that enables them to perform effectively in their work environments, personal lives, and in society at large[2]
- Psychological safety is a condition in which people are free from threats of harm to their psychological health[3]
- Psychological health and safety (PH&S) is embedded in the way people interact with one another as well as the way working conditions and management practices are structured within the workplace[4]
Psychological safety is not[5]:
- Conflict avoidance
- Ensuring ideas are always recognized and rewarded
- Permission to reduce work expectations
- An open forum for complaints
- Oversharing of information