Module 2: Direct Comprehensive Primary Care in the LTC Setting

4 Direct Comprehensive Primary Care in the LTC Setting

In this module, you will review and explore the Advanced Nursing Practice (ANP) Framework of direct comprehensive primary care as it applies to NP practice in the LTC setting.  This will include exploration of person-centred care, comprehensive primary care, acute episodic illnesses, chronic disease management, palliative and end-of-life care and geriatric pharmacotherapy.

This module builds on your existing knowledge, expertise and experience as a nurse practitioner (student, novice or expert) and supports in building capacity, confidence and competence in caring for complex individuals who are residing in LTC.  You are encouraged to review specifics related to assessment, diagnosis, planning including therapeutics, diagnostics and referrals based on your own learning needs and appreciate this module will focus on an overview and specifics related to supporting LTC residents.

This module is offered through asynchronous learning format including self-directed and reflective learning, videos, resident examples and pre and post-test evaluation to support your learning needs.

Learning Objectives

This module will enable nurse practitioners, primary care practitioners and students to:

  • Define and describe the components of person-centred care including the following: confidentiality & privacy; consent, capacity & decision making; person-centred language and care; trauma-informed care; equity, diversity & inclusivity; culturally diverse care; TRC & Indigenous nurses engagement; and sexuality in the older adult.
  • Explore comprehensive care and its application to diverse individuals in the LTC setting including: older adults; individuals with developmental disabilities; individuals with life limiting illnesses; individuals with gender diversity; individuals experiencing homelessness; individuals experiencing mental health & addictions; and individuals post incarceration.
  • Identify the NPs role related to: admissions & physical assessments including goals of care (GOC) discussions; preventive care, screening & immunizations.
  • Synthesize knowledge related to caring for and managing acute episodic illnesses commonly seen in LTC, their management and the inclusion of goals of care, serious illness conversations and ED diversion strategies.
  • Synthesize knowledge related to caring for and managing chronic disease conditions commonly seen in LTC including: frailty & geriatric syndromes; dementia & BPSD; wound management; mental health & substance use; and pain management.
  • Synthesize knowledge related to caring for and managing palliative care conditions in LTC including: advance care planning; goals of care; palliative care; pain & symptom management; end-of-life care; MAID; organ & tissue donation; and bereavement &grief.
  • Explore and describe geriatric pharmaoctherapy including polypharmacy and
    prescribing and deprescribing processes in LTC.



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Nurse Practitioners Delivering Primary Care in the Long Term Care Setting Copyright © 2024 by Erin Ziegler, Carrie Heer and Adhiba Nilormi is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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