We would like to acknowledge the work and support of the project team for this resource:
- Erin Ziegler, NP-PHC, PhD. Assistant Professor, Toronto Metropolitan University
- Carrie Heer, NP-PHC, BScN, MN. Nurse Practitioner, Toronto Metropolitan University
- Adhiba Nilormi, HBSc, MPH. Research Assistant, Toronto Metropolitan University
- Kelly Kay, MA, PhD. Executive Director, Provincial Geriatrics Leadership Ontario
- Luisa Barton, NP-PHC, BScN, MN, DNP. Athabasca University
- Shirin Vellani, NP-Adult, PhD. Nurse Practitioner
- Katherine S. McGilton, RN, PhD, FAAN, FCAHS, FCAN. Senior Scientist, KITE Research Institute: Toronto Rehabilitation Institute: UHN
- Michelle Acorn, DNP, NP PHC-Adult. CEO, Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario (NPAO)
- Dana Cooper, MBA, CAE. Nurse Practitioners’ Association of Ontario (NPAO)
- Alice Ormiston, Provincial Program Director, PHCNP
We also wish to acknowledge the support of Team Primary Care.
Team Primary Care: Training for Transformation is a unique and timely initiative that aims to accelerate transformative change in the way primary care practitioners train to work together. To do so, it brings together an extensive network of partners to enhance the capacity of interprofessional comprehensive primary care through improved training for practitioners, supports for teams, and tools
for planners and employers.
Team Primary Care is an interprofessional initiative of the Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine. It is co-led by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Canadian Health Workforce Network, in partnership with over 65 health professional and educational organizations across Canada.
Funded by the Government of Canada’s Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program.
Financé par le Programme de solutions pour la main d’œuvre sectorielle du gouvernement du Canada