Module 3: Organizing, Managing and Screening Sources

Managing Your Resources With Citation Management Tools

After exporting your results, you will need to store and organize them. Since you will be dealing with a large amount of sources, it’s advisable to use some sort of citation management tool.

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A tool is especially useful If you are conducting a systematic review. As part of your review, you need to document aspects of your search like the number of sources you retrieved per database, the number of duplicates and the final number of articles you choose to review. For more information, please see the PRISMA Checklist in Module 2.

Caution: Citation management tools are useful but can produce inaccurate citations. You will need to double check the accuracy of the citation generated by the tool. Therefore, knowing the rules of your citation style is equally important.



The following video provides a quick overview of how a reference management tool works.


Reference Management Software: How it Works and What it Does. University of York Library. Licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0. Closed Captions


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Advanced Research Skills: Conducting Literature and Systematic Reviews (2nd Edition) Copyright © 2021 by Kelly Dermody; Cecile Farnum; Daniel Jakubek; Jo-Anne Petropoulos; Jane Schmidt; and Reece Steinberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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