Conclusion and More Resources


Congratulations on completing this short course on conducting an academic review! As you start to work through your review, we hope you notice that you are part of a long line of researchers adding their voice to the scholarly discourse of your topic. Your work is contributing to this discourse. As a researcher, you are an active member of creating new knowledge and not just a consumer of it.

We hope you have come away from this short course with an understanding that there is value in using your intellectual curiosity in learning new investigative methods. Finally, as a researcher, it is normal to encounter challenges and doubts when conducting research, but this can be overcome with persistence, adaptability, and flexibility.

Learning Outcomes

Below are the learning outcomes for this course that we shared with you in the Introduction section. Please take some time to review the list and see how many outcomes you achieved.

By completing this short course, you should now be able to:

  1. Understand the specific characteristics of your chosen review and describe the steps involved in conducting a successful review.
  2. Determine your research question and design and refine your own search strategy.
  3. Choose appropriate resources to search and recognize other serendipitous methods of information gathering.
  4. Develop a plan to organize your sources.
  5. Screen your search results and pick relevant sources for your review.
  6. Recognize how to avoid plagiarism and demonstrate the rules of your chosen citation style.
  7. Evaluate the relevance of a source to your own context.


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Advanced Research Skills: Conducting Literature and Systematic Reviews Copyright © 2021 by Kelly Dermody; Cecile Farnum; Daniel Jakubek; Jo-Anne Petropoulos; Jane Schmidt; and Reece Steinberg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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