Appendix 3: Discussion Tool to Assess Inclusivity

This tool could be used by a facilitator to:

  • Lead a debrief session with the whole group once each member of the governance board has completed it separately.
  • Facilitate all governance board members to complete the Levels of inclusion assessment together and then lead a discussion about the assessment results.

Once the governance board has assessed its inclusivity level, you can use the following questions to engage the board in a discussion about taking action.

  1. Was there anything surprising for you about our inclusivity level?  What was it and why did it surprise you?
  2. What do you think would have to be different for us to be able to confidently assess ourselves at the next level up?
  3. What actions would we need to take as a board to get there?
  4. What resources do we need to get there?
  5. Given our discussion today, and our recognition that we can grow in our support of a culture of inclusion, is there anything that that we need to act on immediately? If so, what is it and what actions do we need to take?



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