Active Learning Exercises
Lesson 6: Photo Journal
Lesson 6: Photo Journal
The Covid-19 pandemic affected our ability to travel, work in an office, and attend school in person. Lockdown measures have been lifted, only to be reinstated again.
Nicolò, an Italian living in Toronto, found himself effectively “stuck” in Canada during the first Covid-19 lockdown. He was unable to travel back home to see his family and friends. Nicolò spoke of immense loneliness due to stay-at-home orders adopted in his city.
In your own words define loneliness. Describe a time when you have experienced loneliness.
What advice would you give to someone experiencing homesickness?
Photo Journal
Over the last couple of years, School Boards, on the advice of their local health authority, have made changes to how schools operate daily. Class cohorts and mask-wearing are among some of the new measures adopted in the name of safety. Additionally, multiple shifts from school-based learning to remote learning have taken place. These changes have had a profound impact on students’ experiences of the school environment.
The purpose of this assignment is to share your perspective of the Covid-19 pandemic- how it relates to your mental and emotional health and well-being. Nicolò and his team at the restaurant Eataly took on different jobs and tasks to ensure the business’s survival. For example, line cooks found themselves out of the kitchen working in the office doing paperwork. This was a necessary pivot in order to ensure the continued success and future survival of the business.
Your task is to capture moments that define how you feel. Photograph objects, people, anything that captures your state of being. These images can be taken at school, at home, and within your local community. Every picture will include a brief explanation for why this object or person is significant or somehow connected to your mental and emotional well-being. In short, it is an opportunity to understand better how your routine has adapted or changed during the pandemic. A minimum of seven (one for every day of the week) pictures is required.
Include 2 photographs at the end of your photo journal that you think Nicolo would take. Include an explanation describing why you believe these objects are meaningful to him. An example is provided below.
Photo Journal
Monday, January 17th
Routine: I get up way later than usual during periods of online learning. Sleeping in, since I do not need to be “ready” for school, is one benefit of shifting to online. It also means that I go to bed way later than usual. I noticed I tend to be crankier because my routines have changed. Just don’t tell my mom.
Tuesday, January 18th
Mini-breaks: I often nap on the couch at the end of the school day. I do not know if it’s because I’m tired from looking at the screen all day or because I’m a little sad or because I need downtime. I never used to nap. I miss my friends and even the teachers. I never thought I would say that! It’s just not the same when you are home all day. Short naps help me refuel so my evenings are not spent zoning out on my phone or playing video games. I am definitely more irritable without my afternoon nap.
Wednesday, January 19th
The park: For many reasons, I do not go over to my friends’ houses. Instead, we meet up at the park when we want to hang out. It’s actually way better than being indoors. We have a huge area to run around, to sit and to chat. Plus, as an added bonus, we get to meet the neighborhood dogs. This is one change that was very easy to make and post- Covid, we may actually keep. Maybe the adults are right about the benefits of fresh air.
Thursday, January 20th
Masks: Hate it or love it, the mask must be worn when at school. This has been THE biggest change I have had to accept. Truthfully, while I hated covering my face in the beginning of the school year, I now feel so much safer with it on. The mask gives me a strange sense of security. I feel like I’m also taking care of my family by committing to wearing it. Everything is completely out of my control. I can see adults feel this way too. Wearing a mask is one little act of self-control I can exercise.
Photo Journal Rubric
Level 4 |
Level 3 |
Level 2 |
Level 1 |
Content | Journal entries demonstrate exceptional thought and care, they clearly connect student personal experiences to the object selected. | Journal entries demonstrate considerable thought and care, they clearly connect student personal experiences to the object selected. | Journal entries demonstrate some thought and care, they somewhat connect student personal experiences to the object selected. | Journal entries demonstrate little thought and care, they do not clearly connect student personal experiences to the object selected. |
Photos | Photos are thoughtfully chosen and meaningfully connected to journal entries. | Most photos are thoughtfully chosen and meaningfully connected to journal entries.
Some photos are thoughtfully chosen and meaningfully connected to journal entries. | Little to no photos are thoughtfully chosen and meaningfully connected to journal entries. |
Mechanics | Demonstrates exceptional application of spelling and punctuation rules. | Demonstrates considerable application of spelling and punctuation rules. | Demonstrates some application of spelling and punctuation rules. | Demonstrates little accuracy in the application of spelling and punctuation rules. |
Visual Design | Visual effect exceeds expectations. | Visual effect meets expectations. | Visual effect does not meet expectations. | Visual effect does not meet expectations. |