Curriculm Expectations

Lesson 6

LESSON 6: Photo Journal, Grades 5-8

Lesson Objectives:

  • To share student perspectives during the Covid-19 pandemic in terms of their mental and emotional health and well-being by photographing objects, people and places

Curriculum Expectations:

Grade 5 Language

  • ML3.2 identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create, and explain why it is an appropriate choice

Grade 6 Language

  • ML3.2 identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create, and explain why it is an appropriate choice

Grade 7 Language

  • ML3.2 identify an appropriate form to suit the specific purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create, and explain why it is an appropriate choice

Grade 8 Language

  • ML3.2 identify an appropriate form to suit the purpose and audience for a media text they plan to create and explain why it is an appropriate choice


Migrant Lives in Pandemic Times Copyright © by tpobuda. All Rights Reserved.

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