Active Learning Exercises
Lesson 8: Remittance
Lesson 8: Remittance
Migration does not benefit one person but a host of family and friends connected to the migrant as well as the individual’s country of origin and the country of migration.
Remittance: Part 1
Like many people from India, Safeer is a migrant worker who has been living and working in the GCC (The Gulf Cooperation Council- specifically in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia). Safeer sends money home to his family to support their livelihood.
Remittance is the act of sending money to one’s country of origin.
Without financial support in the form of remittance, Safeer’s family would face challenges related to poverty.
Think about how Covid-19 restrictions have affected his ability to support his family. As well, consider how the experience of being forced to stay home affected his idea of family. Fill in the chart provided to organize your thoughts.
What Do You Think?
Remittance: Part 2
Watch the following interview in the link provided to better understand the significance of remittance and how this flow of money between countries and states has been interrupted by Covid-19.
Using the information in this interview, answer the following questions.
Dilip Ratha describes a 20% drop in remittance as a result of Covid -19 measures such as lockdowns, travel bans, social distancing and a lack of jobs. He states that this drop has affected every country around the world including remote villages. Dilip Ratha mentions concrete ways that remittance benefits those who receive it, for example, through business investment.
- Why does Dilip Ratha describe remittance as a lifeline to poor countries? In your answer include the other ways in which remittance funds benefit those who receive them.
- With a partner, brainstorm ways in which remittances benefit the migrants’ country of origin? A simple example is related to the purchase of groceries. The number of individuals or agencies that benefit from purchasing food might include: farmers (agricultural sectors), grocers (independent business owners), transportation networks (delivery trucks etc.,), and the people who eat the food. Consider other examples related to healthcare, education, the clothing industry, and housing. Record your thoughts below and demonstrate the connections between the various individuals or organizations involved.
Remittance: Part 3
The Infographic
An infographic communicates information in a visual format. It combines text, images and data in a simplified way to summarize a topic/issue. Infographics tell a “story” by providing information in a quick, easy to access manner that grabs the reader’s attention.
As a class, carefully examine the infographic entitled Migrants Make Significant Contributions to Both Their Host and Home Countries. Talk about what you see and about how the information is communicated.
Present students with the following questions and ask them to discuss their answers in small groups. Reinforce the importance of proving one’s thinking with specific evidence from the infographic.
- What is the purpose of this infographic? Think about the ‘story’ it tells.
- Consider the features of this text type. What do you think these are and what is their purpose? Refer to specific details in the infographic to support your ideas.
Suggest students pay attention to the following elements:
- Organizational structure: chunking of information
- Layout, colour, font and images in the form of clip art
- Data in the form of graphs, statistics, maps and numbers
- the use of simple graphics and simple text
Possible answers to each of these questions are provided for guidance.
Example #1
Teacher Reference
What is the purpose of this infographic? Think about the ‘story’ it tells.
The story details the very important contributions that migrant workers make to their host country and their country of origin. The image of the arm extended into the centre of the infographic is meant to reinforce the fact that migrants send money across countries, continents and oceans.
Consider the features of this text type. What do you think these are and what is their purpose? Refer to specific details in the infographic to support your ideas.
Based on what I see, an infographic appears to have many features that are unique to this form of text. I notice a main heading which introduces the focus of the infographic. There is a simple colour scheme and simple images, like an outstretched hand holding money and a background image of the world map. There are no details in these images. I also notice text boxes in the form of speech bubbles giving the viewer information. Data is seen in the form of statistics which provide additional information. Finally there is a website in the lower left corner indicating you can learn more about refugees and migrants by visiting the website.
Tap into students’ analytical skills by asking:
Why is simple text used in an infographic? The text is intentionally simple to keep information concise and straightforward. An infographic should convey information quickly and only present the strongest details of the “story” which the infographic tells.
What skills are required to communicate in a simple but effective manner?
Summary writing skills, strong research skills, and carefully selected research material. Knowledge of colour schemes, layout, font styles and size to capture interest.
In pairs examine the infographic and respond to the questions.
Immigration at a glace
Infographic Analysis
Example #1: Immigration at a Glance
- Is the story clear? Does it have a logical flow?
- What did you learn from this infographic?
- Is the presentation creative? Consider font, colour, layout. If you agree that it is, explain how. If you disagree, explain how it can be improved?
- Do the visual elements and the text support the purpose of the Infographic? Explain.
- In your opinion did the designer create an effective piece of media? Support your answer with evidence from the infographic
Infographic Assignment
5-6 Assignment
Your goal is to design an infographic. This infographic should explain through images and captions the following key terms:
- Who is a migrant?
- Who is a refugee?
- Who is an immigrant?
- The reader must gain an understanding of how these three categories differ and where they overlap.
Include 2-3 additional details you feel are necessary
7-8 Assignment
Your goal is to design an infographic. This infographic should tell the story of migrants and remittance, and how remittance has been impacted by Covid-19.
You must include the following information:
- Definitions for migration and remittance
- The top 5 countries that receive remittances
- The top 5 countries that are sources of remittances
- The impact of Covid-19 on remittance
Include 2-3 additional details you feel are necessary
Teacher and Student Resources: Canva and Easelly are great websites to use. They are free and user friendly. The links to these websites are:
Planning Guide
Title of Infographic |
Story – Main Idea |
Layout |
Colour Scheme and Font | Images | Evidence and data to support your main points |
Infographic Rubric
Criteria |
Level 150-59% |
Level 260-69% |
Level 370-79% |
Level 480-100% |
Content: Accurate and detailed information is provided and supports the ‘story’ | Student includes little to no accurate and detailed information to supports the story | Student includes some accurate and detailed information to support the story | Student includes considerable accurate and detailed information to support the story | Student includes accurate and detailed information to thoroughly supports the story |
Organization: information is systematically organized and supports the readers’ comprehension of the main message | Student organizes information such that it supports the readers’ comprehension of the main message with limited effectiveness | Student organizes information such that it supports the readers’ comprehension of the main message with some effectiveness | Student organizes information such that it supports the readers’ comprehension of the main message with considerable effectiveness | Student organizes information such that it supports the readers’ comprehension of the main message with thorough effectiveness |
Visuals: Fonts, colours, layout and visual elements meaningfully support and contribute to the Infographics’ ability to convey the overall message | Student uses visuals with limited effectiveness to support and contribute to the Infographics’ overall message | Student uses visuals with some effectiveness to meaningfully support and contribute to the Infographics’ overall message | Student uses visuals with considerable effectiveness to meaningfully support and contribute to the Infographics’ overall message with | Student uses visuals with thorough effectiveness to meaningfully support and contribute to the Infographics’ overall message |
Citation: Full bibliographic citations are included for all sources referenced. | Student includes very few bibliographic citations | Student includes some bibliographic citations | Student includes most bibliographic citations | Student includes full bibliographic citations |