Chapter 10 – Integrated Marketing Communications

10.8 Discussion Questions and Activities


  1. Explain the difference between integrated marketing communications and promotion mix.
  2. Define each component of the promotion (communication) mix.
  3. Explain the communication process and factors that can interfere with interpretation of messages.
  4. What is the perceptual process and how does it relate to promotion?
  5. What is the difference between encoding and decoding a message?
  6. Why do you think so many companies rely on advertising to communicate with customers and potential customers?
  7. Identify the different promotion objectives companies may use.
  8. What are some of the message strategies companies use?
  9. What are the objectives of sales promotions?
  10. What is a trade promotion?
  11. Identify and provide an example of three sales promotion tools targeted at consumers.
  12. Identify and provide an example of three sales promotion tools targeted at businesses.
  13. Explain the difference between a push strategy and a pull strategy.


  1. Provide an example of how your university uses different media to present a consistent message using integrated marketing communications (IMC). Who is their target, what is their message, and what media should they use?
  2. In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of advertising on the radio, in magazines, on television, through direct marketing, and on the Internet?
  3. Give an example of a company’s promotional strategy and how it achieves its objective of having consumers select it, pay attention to it, and retain the information.
  4. Give an example of the unique selling proposition for one of your favorite brands. What is your unique selling proposition?
  5. Explain why companies might use different budgeting methods to set their promotional budgets.
  6. Think about and provide examples of two different message strategies you have seen in video commercials in the last year. Why do you think they were or were not effective?
  7. As the manufacturer of small electronic appliances, explain how you might plan to use both a push strategy and pull strategy.


  1. Identify your three favorite and least favorite video commercials and explain why you like or don’t like each one. Notice whether there are similarities in your preferences. In other words, are your favorite commercials humorous? Are your least favorite commercials annoying?
  2. Outline three message strategies that you feel would get consumers’ attention in out of home advertisements and in mobile advertising.
  3. Create a sales promotion you think will attract university students to your favorite restaurant.
  4. You are applying for a job in an advertising agency. Write an ad about yourself, explaining your unique selling proposition, and why they should hire you.
  5. Watch the same video series program on YouTube on different browsers (e.g. Google, Bing and Safari) and internet networks (e.g. at your own home, at a friend’s house, at work or at school). What types of commercials were shown on each? Did you notice a difference in quality, products/services advertised, or creativity? Why do you think there was a variance?
  6. What media do you think would be most (and least) effective for university students? Why? Find a credible source and do not just assume that students would prefer mobile.


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Principles of Marketing, 1st Canadian Edition Copyright © by Anthony Francescucci, Joanne McNeish, Nukhet Taylor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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