Sample Class Schedule
- All materials are available via D2L. Assigned media will be available under the corresponding week subheading.
- Please feel welcome to approach your instructor if you have any questions or need support to access the materials.
Part 1: Introduction to Disability and Digital Media
Week 1, September 7-10: Introduction: Affordances, Constraints, Access, and Harm
- Assigned media: Johanna Hedva “Sick Woman Theory,” Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha “So Much Time Spent in Bed” and “For Badass Disability Justice, Working-Class and Poor-Led Models of Sustainable Hustling for Liberation”
Week 2, September 13-17: Screen Media Cultures
- Assigned media: Imani Barbarin, TikTok video on disability representation, Aimi Hamraie and Kelly Fritsch “Crip Technoscience Manifesto”
Week 3, September 20-24: The Materiality of Media
- Assigned media: Toby Miller “The Price of Popular Media is Paid by the Effluent Citizen,” Jasbur Puar “Preface: Hands Up, Don’t Shoot!” excerpt, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario “Permanent Online Landlord and Tenant Board Hearings Are Having Devastating Consequences,” Erin Knight “If a crisis like COVID-19 hasn’t pushed government to take action to improve broadband access, what can?”
Part 2: Crip Making
Week 4, September 27-October 1: Image Workshop
- Assigned media: choose two (2) photo essays from the list provided on D2L
- Assignment Deadline: Project Proposal is due October 1st
Week 5, October 4-18: Audio/Podcasting Workshop
- Assigned media (podcast episodes): “Tech Talk: Disability Benefits & Algorithms — Talking Tech W/ Lydia X. Z. Brown & Alexandra Givens,” Jodie Mitchell and Sofie Hagen “€2 Million Dino Skeleton & Therapy: Not Your Mother’s Erotica,” The Digital Graveyards Project “Episode 2: Interview with Stine Gotved,” @TangledArtsTO Twitter post “How do you make podcasts more accessible?”
October 11-15 is Reading Week.
There will be no lessons or scheduled work sessions during this time.
Week 6, October 18-22: Video Workshop
- Assigned media (YouTube videos): Jessica Kellgren-Fozard “Deaf & Blind On The Internet with @Molly Burke!”, Hannah Witton “Sex with a Stoma,” Annie Elainey “What is Inspiration Porn?”, Jessica Kellgren-Fozard “Why #FreeBritney is a Disability Rights Issue”
- Assignment Deadline: Project Outline is due October 22
Part 3: Critical Game Design
Week 7, October 25-29: Critical Play and Crip Game Design
- Assigned media: Mary Flanagan “What Are Activist Games?”, Katie Salen and Eric Zimmerman “Anatomy of a Choice,” Adan Jerreat-Poole “Mad/Crip Games and Play: An Introduction”
Week 8, November 1-5: Choose-Your-Own-Adventure/Twine Workshop
- Assigned media: Kara Stone “Mental Illness + Making Games”
Week 9, November 8-12: Advanced Interactive Fiction
- Assigned media: choose two (2) of the games from the list on D2L to play
Part 4: Reflection and Revision
Week 10, November 15-19: The Labour and Ethics of Digital Making
- Assigned media: Eli Clare “A Note on Reading this Book: Thinking About Trigger Warnings,” Moya Bailey “#transform(ing)DH Writing and Research: An Autoethnography of Digital Humanities and Feminist Ethics”
- Assignment Deadline: Project Draft is due November 19.
Week 11, November 22-26: Work Session for Troubleshooting Projects
- No media has been assigned for this week. Additional live work sessions will be scheduled.
Week 12, November 29-December 3: Digital Showcase of Student Projects
- No media has been assigned for this week.
- Assignment Deadline: showcase participation/peer feedback due December 3
Assignment Deadline: final, revised projects are due December 10.