Chapter 3: The Full Three Storey Thesis

Additional Practice

You wrote and revised a two-storey thesis statement to Kids Around the World Just Want to Hang Out by Michael Welsh. Compare it to the sample A-level two-storey thesis below:


In “Kids Around the World Just Want to Hang Out,” Michael Welsh compares the responses given by two separate groups of high school students from Stockholm, Sweden, and Keene, New Hampshire, who were surveyed about “their preferences and visions for their cities.” Welsh uses this comparison to convey a distressing reality he hopes his American readers will be motivated to address: while both groups of students seemed to have the same hopes and visions for a greener, cleaner future for their cities, the students of Keene displayed considerably less vision than their Stockholm counterparts, “limited expectations” of their government’s ability or interested to help them attain their goals, and a worrying reliance on commercial companies to provide them the accessible, common, and entertaining spaces they desire.

Now that you have a revised two-storey thesis statement from earlier in this chapter in response to Kids Around the World Just Want to Hang Out,” re-read the essay and add a third storey. You can never practice enough!


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